O+ or O-

Eat Right for Your Yype by Dr Peters J.D'Adamo

Meats and Poultry


Highly Beneficial

Beef, buffalo, heart, lamb, liver (calf), mutton, veal, venison 


Chicken, cornish hen, duck, goose, grouse, guinea hen, horse, ostrich, partridge, phesand, rabbit, squab, squirrel, turkey  


Bacon/ham/pork, Quail and Turtle


Highly Beneficial

Bass (all) cod, halibut, perch (all) pike, red snapper, shad, sole (except gray or dover) sturgeon, swordfish, tilefish, trout- rainbow, yellowtail


anchovy, bluefish, carp, caviar, chub, clam, crab, cusk, drum, eel, flounder, grouper, haddock, hake, halfmoon fish, herring (fresh), lobster, mahimahi, monkfish, mullet, mussel, opaleye fish, orange roughy, oyster, pickerell, porty, rosefish, sailfish, salmon (fresh), sardine, scallop, scrod, scup, shark, shrimp, smelt, smain (escargo/ Helix pomatia [which is the kind to prevent breast cancer, but not as big of a problem in O type people, just A and AB types, but is beneficial for anyone who has the diagnosis of breast cancer]) Sole (gray or Dover) Sucker, Sunfish, Tilapia, Trout (brook/sea) Tuna, Weakfish, Whitefish, Whiting


Abalone, Barracuda, catfish, conch, frog, herring (pickled/smoked), lox (smoked salmon), muskellunge, octopus (boo), pollack, salmon roe, squid (calamari)(boo).

Dairy and Eggs

Highly Beneficial

O's should severely restrict their use of dairy.....Their system is ill designed for their proper metabolism, and there are no highly beneficial foods in this group....


Butter, egg (chicken/duck), farmer cheese, feta, ghee, goat cheese, mozzarella (yay pizza)


American, blue, brie, buttermilk, camembert, casein, cheddar, colby, cottage, cream, edam, egg, emmenthal, gouda, gruyere, half &half, ice cream (boo), jarlsburg, kefir, mikl (cow/goat), montery jack, muenster, neufchatel, paneer, parmesan, provolone, quark, ricotta, sherbet, sour cream (low- /nonfat), string, swiss, whey (boo) yogurt (all varieties)(boo).

Oils and Fats

Highly Beneficial- extra virgin olive oil is by far the best oil

flaxseed, olive


almond, black currant seed, borage seed, canola, cod liver, sesame, walnut


avacado, castor, coconut, corn, cottonseed, evening primrose (oops), peanut, safflower, soy  

Nutes and Seeds

Highly Beneficial

flaxseed, punpkin seed, walnut (black/english) 


almond, almond butter/cheese/milk, butternut, iilbert(hazelnut), hickory, macadamia, pecan, pecan butter, pignola (pine), sesame butter (tahini), sesame seed


beech, brazil, cashew (boo), cashew butter, chestnut, litchi, peanut, peanut butter, pistachio, poppy seed, sunflower butter, sunflower seed.  

Beans and Legumes

Highly Beneficial

adzuki bean, black eyed pea


black bean , cannellini bean, fava (broad) bean, garbanzo bean (chickpea), green /snap/ string , jicama, lima bean, mung bean/sprouts, norther bean, pea (green/pod/snow), soybean, soy cheese, soy flakes/granules, soy milk,
soy miso, soy tempeh, soy tofue, white/yellow bean


copper, kidney, lentile, navy, tamarind 


Highly Beneficial -None

Type O's do not tolerate whole wheat products at all, and should eliminate them from the diet. They contain lectins that react with both your blood and your digestive tract and interfere with the proper absorption of beneficial foods. Wheat products are a primary culprit in Type O weight gain. The glutens in wheat germ interfere with Type O metabolic processes. Inefficient or sluggish metabolism causes food to convert to energy more slowly, and so store itself as fat.


amaranth, buckwheat/kasha, cream of rice, kamut, millet (puffed), oat bran, oatmean, rice bran, rice (puffed), spelt, tapioca, teff 


barley, corn (all), cornflakes, cornmeal, cream of wheat, familia, farina, Grape-nuts, grits, seven-grain, shredded wheat, wheat bran, wheat germ

Breads and Muffins

Highly Beneficial

Essene (manna) bread


brown rice bread, ezekiel bread, gluten-free bread, millet, oat bran muffin, rice cake, rye bread (100%), rye crisp, ryvita, soy flour bread, spelt bread, wasa crispbread (wheat-free)


bagel (wheat), corn muffin, english muffin, high-protein bread, matzo, multi-grain bread, pumpernickel, sprouted wheat bread containing wheat flour, wheat bran muffin, whole wheat bread

Grains and Pasta


Highly Beneficial -none

Most pasta is made with semolina wheat, so select carefully. O's can tolerage pasta made from buckwheat, jerusalem artichoke, or rise flour. These are not required for Os health, like animal and fish foods are. 


Buckwheat/kasha, oat flour, quinoa, rice (basmati/brown/white/wild), rice flour, rye flour, soba noodles (100% buckwheat), spelt flour


barley flour, bulgar wheat flour, couscous (cracked wheat), durum wheat flour, gluten flour, graham flour, semolina pasta, white flour, whole wheat flour 


Highly Beneficial

artichoke (domestic/globe/jerusalem), beet greens, broccoli, chicory, collard greens, dandelion, escarole, ginger, horseradish, kale, kelp, kohlrabi, lettuce (romaine), okra, onion (all), parsley, parsnip, pepper (cayenne/red), potato, sweet, pumpkin, seaweed, spinach, swiss chard, turnip


argula, asparagus, asparagus pea, bamboo shoot, beet, bok choy, brussels sprout, cabbage (chinese/red/white), caraway, carrot, celeraic, celery, chervil, chili pepper, cilantro, coriander, daikon radish, dill, eggplant, endive, fennel, fiddlehead fern, garlic, lettuce (Bibb/boston/iceberg/musclun), Mushroom (abalone/enoki/maitake/oyster/ portobello/straw/tree), olive (greek/green/kalamata/spanish), oyster plant (salsify), pepper (green/jalapeno/orange/purple, yellow), rutabaga, scallion, shallot, squash (all), tomato, water chestnut, watercress, yam, zucchini


alfalfa sprouts, capers, cauliflower, corn, cucumber, leek, mushroom (common/shiitake/silver dollar) mustard greens, olive (black), pickles (in brine), potato (blue/red/white/yellow), rhubarb, spirulina, taro, yucca


Highly Beneficial

banana, blueberry, cherry (all), fig (fresh/dried), guava, mango, plum (all) prune


apple, apricot, breadfruit, boysenberry, cranberry, currant (black/red), date, dewberry, elderberry, gooseberry, grape (all), grapefruit, kumquat, lemon, lime, loganberry, melon canang/casaba/crenshaw/ christmas/musk/persian/spanish), mulberry, nectarine, papaya, peach, pear, persimmon, pineapple, pomegranate, prickly pear, quince, raisin, raspberry, sago palm, starfruit (carambola), strawberry, watermelon, youngberry


asian pear, avocado, blackberry, cantaloupe, coconut, kiwi, melon (bitter/honeydew), orange, plantain, tangerine

Juices and Fluids

Highly Beneficial

balck cherry, guava, mango, pineapple, prune, spinach


apple, apple cider, apricot, cabbage, carrot, celery, cranberry, grape, grapefruit, lemon, lime, nectarine, papaya, pear, tomato, vegetable juice (from acceptable vegetables)


Aloe, blackberry, coconut milk, cucumber, orange, tangerine 

Spices, Sugars, Seasonings

Highly Beneficial

carob, curry, dulse, horseradish, kelp, parsley, pepper (cayenne), turmeric


agar, allspice, almond extract, anise, apple pectin, arrowroot, barley malt, basil, bay leaf, bergamot, brown rise syrup, caraway, cardamom, chervil, chili powder, chives, chocolate, cinnamon, clove, coriander, cream of tarter, cumin, dill, garlic, gelatin (plain), honey, lecithin, maple syrup, majoram, miso, molasses, molasses (blackstrap), mustard (dry), oregano, paprika, pepper (peppercorn/red pepper flakes), peppermint, rice syrup, rosemary, saffron, sage, salt, savory, spearmint, sugar (brown/white), tamari (wheat-free), tapioca, tarragon, thyme, vanilla, wintergreen, yeast (baker's/brewer's)


acacia (gum arabic), aspartame, carrageenan, cornstarch, corn syrup, fructose, invert sugar, mace, maltodextrin, MSG, nutmeg, pepper (black/white), sucanat, sucrose


Highly Beneficial



apple butter, jam/jelly (from acceptable fruits), mustard (wheat-free, vinegar-free), salad dressing (low-fat, from acceptable ingredients), soy sauce, vinegar (apple cider)


ketchup, pickles (all) pickle relish, mayonnaise, vinegar (all except apple cider), worcestershire sauce

Herbal Teas

Highly Beneficial

astralagus, cayenne, chickweed, dandelion, fenugreek, ginger, hops, linden, mulberry, parsley, rose hip, sarsaparilla, slippery elm


catnip, chamomile, dong quai, elder, ginseng, hawthorn, horehound, licorice root, mullein, peppermint, raspberry leaf, sage, senna, skullcap, spearmint, thyme, valerian, vervain, white birch, white oak bark, yarrow 


alfalfa, aloe, burdock, coltsfood, corn silk, echinacea, gentian, goldenseal, guarana, juniper, red clover, rhubarb, saint-john's-wort, shepherd's purse, strawberry leaf, yellow dock

Miscellaneous Beverages

Highly Beneficial

club soda, seltzer water, green tea


red wine


beer, coffee (regular/decaf) liquor, distilled, soda (cola/diet/misc.), black tea (regular/decaf)




animal foods speed up the type O metabolic rate and make it more efficient as they burn meat as fuel. This is because of high stomach acid. The O's muscles will become alkaline from eating meat. O's thrive slightly on acidic muscles


Wheat is alkaline for Os.


Foods that encourage weight gain; O types
Wheat gluten- interferes with insulin efficience, slows metabolic rate

Corn- interferes with insulin efficience, slows metabolic rate
Kidney Beans- impair calorie utilization
Navy Beans- impair calorie utilization
Lentils- inhibit proper nutrient metabolism
Cabbage- inhibits thyroid hormone
Brussels sprouts- inhibits thyroid hormone
Cauliflower (boo)- inhibits thyroid hormone
Mustard Creens inhibits thyroid production

Foods that encourage weight loss
Kelp contains iodine, increased thyroid hormone production
Seafood- contains iodine, increases thyroid hormone production
*iodized salt (try another way)- contains iodine, increase thyroid hormone procution, however leads to high blood pressure and water retention, oh and boy babies if ttc.
Liver- aids efficient metabolism
Red Meat- (yay for O types) aids efficient metabolism
Kale, spinach, broccoli- aid efficient metabolism 

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