A+ or A-

Eat Right for Your Yype by Dr Peters J.D'Adamo

Meats and Poultry- key for As is to eat small portions since their stomach cannot digest meat properly and it turns to fat. The appropriate size is 4oz women, and 6oz male.


Highly Beneficial



chicken, cornish hen, grouse, guinea hen, ostrich, squab, turkey


bacon/ham/pork, beef, buffalo, duck, grouse, heart, lamb, liver (calf), mutton, patridge, phesant, quail, rabit, squirrel, sweetbreads, turtle, veal, venison


Highly Beneficial

carp, cod, mackerel, monkfish, perch (silver/yellow), pickerel, pollack, red snapper, salmon (fresh), sardine, snail (escargot/helix pomatia), trout (rainbow/sea), whitefish, whiting 


abalone, sea bass, futterfish, bullhead, chub, croaker, cusp, drum, halfmoon fish, mahimahi, mullet, muskellunge, pike, pompano, porgy, sailfish, salmon roe, scrod, shark, smelt, sturgeon, sucker, sunfish, swordfish, tilapia, brook trout, tuna, weakfish, yellowtail


 anchovy, barracuda, bass (bluegill/striped), bluefish, catfish, caviar, clam, conch, crab, crayfish, eel, flounder, frog, grouper, haddock, hake, halibut, harvest fish, herring (fresh/smoked/pickled), lobster, lox (smoked salmon), mussel, octopus, opaleye, oyster, scallop, scup, shad, shrimp, sole (all), squie (calamari), tilefish

Dairy and Eggs- "As can tolerate small amounts of fermented dairy products, but should avoid anything made with whole milk, and also limit egg consumption to occasional organically grown eggs. THis will take some planning, as the Western diet is egg, butter, and cream oriented--cakes, pies, cookies, and ice cream being the big favorites.

Your type A choices should be yogurt, keifir, nonfat sour cream, and cultured dairy products. Raw goat's milk is a good substitute for whole milk. And, of course, soy milk and soy cheeses are excellend substitutes, and are very good for Type as.

Most dairy products are not digestible for type As--for the simple reason that type A blood creates antibodies to the primary sugar in whole milk--D-galactosamine. As you'll remember with fucose, forms the Type B antigen. Since the Type A immune system is designated to reject anything B-like, the antibodies it creates to ward off B antigens will also reject whole-milk products.

If you are a Type A allergy sufferer or are experiencing respiratory problems, be aware that dairy products greatly increase the amount of mucus you secrete. Type As normally produce more mucous than the other blood types, probably because they need the extra protection it provides their somewhat too friendly immune systems. However, too much mucus can be harmful, since various bacteria tend to live off it. An overabundance of mucus inevitably leads to allergic responses, infections, and respiratory problems. This is another good reason to limit your intake of dairy foods."


Highly Beneficial



egg (chicken/duck/goose/quail), farmer cheese, feta, ghee (clarified butter), goat cheese, kefir, goat milk, mozzarella, paneer, ricotta, sour cream (lowfat/nonfat), yogurt (all varieties)


american cheese, blue cheese, brie, butter, buttermilk, camembert, casein, cheddar, colby, cottage cheese, cream cheese, edam, emmenthal, gouda, gruere, half & half, ice cream, jarlsberg, cos milk, monterey jack, muenster, neufchatel, parmesan, provolone, quark, sherbet, string cheese, swill, whey

Oils and Fats

Highly Beneficial- extra virgin olive oil is by far the best oil

black currant seed, flaxseed, olive, walnut


almond, avocado, borage seed, canola, cod liver, evening primrose, safflower, sesame, soy, sunflower, wheat germ 


castor, coconut, corn, cottonseed, peanut 

Nutes and Seeds- a good source of protein for the As

Highly Beneficial

flaxseed, peanut, peanut butter, pumpkin seed, walnut (black/english)


almond, almondbutter/cheese/milk, beechnut, butternut, chestnut, filbert (hazelnut), hickory litchi, macadamia, pecan, pecan butter, pignola (pine), poppy seed, safflower seed, sesame butter (tahini), sesame seed, sunflower butter, sunflower seed


brazil, cashew, cashew butter, pistacio

Beans and Legumes

Highly Beneficial

adzuki bean, black bean, black-eyed pea, broad (fava) bean, green/string/snap bean, lentil (domestic/green/red), pinto bean, soybean, soy cheese, soy flakes/granules, soy milk, soy miso, soy tempeh, soy tofu


cannellini bean, jicama, mung bean/sprouts, northern bean, pea (green/pod/snow), white bean


copper bean, garbanzo bean (chickpea), kidney bean, lima bean, navy bean, tamarind bean


Highly Beneficial

amaranth, buckwheat/kasha, oat bran, oatmeal


barley, cornflakes, cornmeal, cream of rice, grits, kamut, miller, puffed, quinoa, rice puffed, rice bran, sorghum, spelt, tapioca 


cream of wheat, familia, farina, grape nuts, wheat germ, seven-grain, shredded wheat, wheat bran 

Breads and Muffins-when trying to lose weight always avoid wheat, as it encourages weight gain and cravings.

Highly Beneficial

Essene (manna) bread, ezekiel bread, soy flour bread


brown rice bread, corn muffin, gluten-free bread, kamut, millet, oat bran muffin, rice cake, rye bread (100%), rye bread (100%), rye crisp, ryvita, spelt bread, wasa crispbread (wheat-free), wheat bread (sprouted, commercial)


english muffin, high-protein bread, matzo, multi-grain bread, pumper-nickel, wheat bran muffin, whole wheat bread

Grains and Pasta


Highly Beneficial

buckwheat/kasha, oat flour, tye flour, soba noodles (100% buckwheat)


couscous (cracked wheat), barley flour, bulgur wheat flour, durum wheat flour, graham flour, quinoa, rice (basmati/brown/white/wild), rice flour, semolina pasta, spelt flour, spelt noodles, sprouted wheat flour, white flour


whole wheat flour


Highly Beneficial

alfalfa sprouts, artichoke (domestic/globe/jerusalem), beet greens, broccoli, carrot, celery, chickory, collard greens, dandelion, escarole, fennel, garlic, ginger, horseradish, kale, kohlrabi, leek, romaine lettuce, mushroom (common/maitake/silver dollar), okra, onion (all), parsley, parsnip, pumpkin, rappini (broccoli rabe), spinach, swiss chard, turnip 


arugula, asparagus, asparagus pea, bamboo shoot, beet, bok choy, brussels sprout, caraway, cauliflower, celeraic, chervil, cilantro, coriander, corn (all) cucumber, daikon radish, endive, fiddlehead fern, kelp, lettuce (bibb/boston/iceberg/mesclun), mushroom (abalone/enoki/oyster/portobello/tree), mustard greens, green olive, oyster plant (salsify), pimiento, radicchio, radish/sprouts, rutabaga, scallion, seaweed, shallot, squash (all), taro, water chestnut, watercress, zucchini


cabbage (chinease/red/white), caspers, chili pepper, eggplant, juniper, mushroom, shiitake, black/greek/spanish olives, pepper (cayenne/green/jalapeno/red/sweet/yellow), Potato (blue/red/sweet/white/yellow), rhubarb, sauerkraut, tomato, yam, yucca


Highly Beneficial

apricot, blackberry, blueberry, boysenberry, cherry (all) cranberry, fig (fresh/dried), grapefruit, lemon, lime, pineapple, plum (all), prune 


apple, asian pear, avacado, breadfruit, cantaloupe, currant (black/red), date, elderberry, gooseberry, grape (all), guava, kiwi, kumquat, loganberry, melon (canang/casaba/christmas/crenshaw/musk/persian/spanish), mulberry, nectarine, peach, pear, persimmon, pomegranate, prickly pear, quince, raisin, raspberry, sago palm, starfruit (caramobola), strawberry, watermelon, youngberry


1bananas, coconut, mango, melon (bitter/honeydew), orange, papaya, plaintain, tangerine

Juices and Fluids

Highly Beneficial

aloe, apricot, blackberry, carrot, celery, cherry (all), grapefruit, lemon, lime, pineapple, prune, spinach


apple, apple cider, beet green, cabbage, cucumber, cranberry, grape, guava, nectarine, pear, vegetable juice (from acceptable vegetables)


cabbage, coconut milk, mango, orange, papaya, tangerine tomato

Spices, Sugars, Seasonings

Highly Beneficial

barley malt, blackstrap molasses, garlic, ginger, horseradish, mustard (dry), parsley, tamari, turmeric


Agar, allspice, almond extract, anise, arrowroot, basil, bay leaf, bergamot, brown rice syrup, caraway, cardamom, carob, chervil, chive, chocolate, cinnamon, clove, coriander, cornstarch, corn syrup, cream of tartar, cumin, curry, dextrose, dill, dulse, fructose, honey, invert sugar, kelp, lecithin, mace, maltodextrin, maple syrup, marjoram, nutmeg, oregano, paprika, peppermint, rice syrup, rosemary, saffron, sage, salt, savory, spearmint, stevia, sugar (brown/white), tapioca, tarragon, thyme, vanilla, yeast (baker's/brewer's)


acacia (gum arabic), capers, plain gelatin, pepper (black/cayenne/peppercorn/red flakes/white), tamarind, vinegar (all), wintergreen


Highly Beneficial

mustard, soy sauce


apple butter, jam/jelly (from acceptable fruits), salad dressing (low-fat, from acceptable ingredients)


ketchup, mayonnaise, pickles (all), pickle relish, vingegar (all), worcestershire sauce

Herbal Teas

Highly Beneficial

alfalfa, aloe, astralagus, burdock, chamomile, dandelion, echinacea, fennel, fenugreek, gentian, gingko biloba, ginseng, hawthorn, holy basil, milk thistle, rose hip, saint-john's-wort, slippery elm, stone root, valerian


chickweed, coltsfood, dong quai, elder, hops, horehound, licorice root, linden, mulberry, mullein, peppermind, raspberry leaf, sage, sarsaparilla, senna, shepherd's purse, skullcap, spearmint, strawberry leaf, thyme, vervain, white birch, white oak bark, yarrow 


catnip, cayenne, corn silk, goldenseal, juniper, red clover, rhubarb, yellow dock

Miscellaneous Beverages

Highly Beneficial

coffee (regular/decaf), green tea, red whine


white wine


beer, distilled liquor, seltzer water, soda (club/cola/diet/misc.), black tea (regular/decaf)



The Cultivator; first vegetarians- farmer ancestors; reaps what he sows; sensitive digestive tract; tolerant immune system. adapts well to settled dietary and environmental conditions; responds best to stress with calming action; requires agrarian diet to stay lean and productive.


p97 "I can't emphasize enough how critical this dietary adjustment can be to the sensitive immune system of type A. As you will see in ch 9, type As are biologically predisposed to heart disease, cancer and diabetes. In other words, these are your risk factors. But they need not be your destiny. If you follow this diet, you can supercharge your immune system and potentially short circuit the development of life-threatening diseases. A positive aspect of your genetic ancestry is your ability to utilize the best nature has to offer. It will be your challenge to relearn what your blood already knows."


Weight Loss

When you start to follow the plan, you will lose weight quickly if you usually eat meat and stop. Meat is toxic to the A type. Meat may make you feel sluggish and less energized than vegetable proteins. A types retain fluid as their digestive tract slows down when meat protein is consumed. A types store meat food as fat. Its the A's low stomach acid that causes poor digestion, a lower more friendly immune system and the meat reaction. Also the muscles will become acidic from eating meat, when alkaline is desirable.

Dairy- poorly digested by A's, and they provoke insulin reactions--which slows down metabolism, and leads to fat. Dairy is also high in saturated fat that comprimises the heart and lead to obesity and diabetes.

A's may eat Wheat, but too much will cause muscles to be acidic. Note when trying to lose weight, everyone should avoid wheat. The As cant utilize the energy of wheat and calorie metabolism is slowed.


Foods that encourage weight gain

meat - poorly digested stored as fat increases digestive toxins.

dairy foods - inhibit nutrient metabolism and increases mucous secretions

kidney beans- interfere with digestive enzymes and slow metabolic rate

lima beans- interfere with digestive enzymes and slow metabolic rate

wheat (in overabundance)- impairs calorie utilization.


Foods that encourage weight loss

vegetable oils- aid efficient digestion and prevent fluid retention

soy foods- aid efficient metabolism and increase intestinal mobility

pineapple- increases calorie utilization and increases intestinal mobility





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