over the years

My vitamins as of Sept 03, 2009
2009 BFP Infant Isabella
OH I did a little of everything, and it seems like I was always adding something new. I've been on dci since March, and I bake banana bread mostly. I've been only getting 600mg lately, but my body needs 1200. This 2ww I upped that to 1200. See I just moved and its been hard to bake.

I also think excersize in cd1-O is important for pcosers. Pink sway says only high impact cardio. Also lifting is important to pcos, the areas that show improvement, using chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, lower back, butt and theighs. I did all since I was moving the day AF arrived. I moved so much that day I had a charley horse in my sleep. Moving took almost a week.

This cycle I added coQ-10 100mg, b/c of my age I wanted better egg quality.
Coenzyme Q-10 (COQ-10) - Helps support and improve mitochondrial (powerhouse of cells) function. During aging, the mitochondrial DNA is damaged by free radicals in our system contributing to poor egg quality occurring with aging.

I also brewed a tea with the following herbs (this I drank every day at first, but every few days the 2nd week):

Alfalfa - Aids in pituitary problems. This works well with fertility drugs.
Red Clover - Used to aid fertility. Take from menstruation to ovulation
Red Raspberry leaves - Strengthens the uterus and entire reproductive system. Can help prevent miscarriage.

cd 7-O Evening Primrose Oil (EPO) 2000mg - is a uterine toner and helps to increase the fertile quality cervical fluid. Regulates menstrual flow (scanty, dark flow) and aids in the lining of the uterus. It neutralizes over-acidity in the body. EPO should be taken the first half of the cycle - from mensturation to ovulation.

My vitamins
Vitamins, B complex 50mg -excess estrogen reducer -walmart b50 or b-complex
C bioflavonoids 500mg, health food store
D (d3) 500 IU -PCOSers are deficient in D3 -walmart also my prenatal has more d3 in it.
prenatals (pharmacy)
d-chiro-inositol, 600mg, PCOSers are deficient in d-chiro-inositol (minndak of course)

I took 150mg clomid and from cd 1-O (cd15) I took avandia for my IR

I tested early, 10dpo. I had had a dream that the nurse practitioner said "your pregnant and I think you have two in there", then I went home and a couple days later found out the guy we bought the house from wanted it back and he had that right and so we were moving into a tiny appartment and I was like "I cant move anything, Im pregnant" and I woke up. I decided testing was better than staying asleep at that point.

My cheap tests were so light the camera didnt pic it up well and I though evap, but my digi with SMU was like "pregnant" so theres no mistaking that, 10 dpo and I never thought I'd see a ticker that said 3wks 3 days.
In the past I took:
Vitamins, B complex 100mg -excess estrogen reducer -walmart b100 or b-complex
follic acid 400mcg, my peri said I needed extra b/c of my IR (this is in the b-complex, but you can also buy it seperate at walmart)
C bioflavonoids 1000mg, (paragon plus c-1000 complex buffered C with 500mg bioflavonoids sustained release [Akins health food store])
D (d3) 1000 IU -PCOSers are deficient in D3 -walmart
prenatals (pharmacy)
GTF chromium (polynicotinate) & chromium (chelated) 800mg daily -for insulin resistance IR, take with meal 1 with breakfast, 1 with supper (Akins, its best to get chealated [pronounced Key late ted])
d-chiro-inositol, 1200mg, PCOSers are deficient in d-chiro-inositol (minndak of course)
Newly added in May, 2tsp olive oil in foods, sautee'd, (extra virgin is the best)

The girl sway diet Im trying; it must be started more than a month prior to ttc:
LOW Potassium (<1600mg)
LOW Sodium (<1000mg, up to 1500mg only occasionally)
HIGH Calcium (1200-2400mg)
HIGH Magnesium (300-420mg)

Prenatabs RX Tablets:
Folic Acid 1 mg
Copper (as cupric oxide) 3 mg
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) 3 mg
Thiamin (Vitamin B-1) 3 mg
Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine) 3 mg
Pantothenic Acid 7 mg
Vitamin B-12 (Cyanocobalimin) 8 mcg
Zinc (as zinc oxide) 15 mg
Niacin (as niacinamide) 20 mg
Iron (as carbonyl iron) 29 mg
Biotin 30 mcg
Vitamin E (dl-alpha tocopheryl acetate) 30 IU
Magnesium 100 mg
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 120 mg
Iodine (potassium iodide) 150 mcg
Calcium (calcium carbonate) 200 mg
Vitamin D (D3) 400 IU
Vitamin A (beta carotene) 4000 IU

April, 2010 changed prenatal to Nature Made from Target, and added 200mg daily alpha lipoic acid, from walmart. Also started drinking female toner tea, 1-2x a day instead of my homemade herbal tea.

DCI -from chiral balance 1200mg on an empty stomach every morning
B50 complex
fish oil - omega 3 Fatty acid 600mg, 300mg EPA, 200mg DHA, 100mg other omega 3's. (DHA is very important in pregnancy, for babies brain, eyes and nervous system.
d3 900mg
selenium 100mg daily
coQ-10 100mg daily
acidophilus 100mg, will switch to acidophilus pearls & digestive health


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