B+ or B-

 Eat Right for Your Yype by Dr Peters J.D'Adamo

Meats and Poultry

Highly Beneficial

Goat, Lamb, Mutton, Rabbit, Venison


Beef, Buffalo, Liver (calf), Ostrich, Pheasant, Turkey, Veal


Bacon/ham/pork, Chicken, Cornish hen, Duck, Goose, Grouse, Guinea hen, Heart, Horse, Partridge, Quail, Squab, Squirrel, Sweetbread, Turtle


Highly Beneficial

Caviar, Cod, Groaker, Flounder, Grouper, Haddock, Hake, Halibut, Mackerel, Mahimahi, Monkfish, Perch (ocean), Pickerel, Pike, Porgy, Salmon (fresh), Sardine, Shad, Sole (except gray or dover), Sturgeon


Abalone, Bluefish, Bullhead, Carp, Catfish, Chub, Cusk, Drum, Halfmoon fish, Herring (fresh), Mullet, Muskellunge, Opaleye fish, Orange roughy, Parrot fish, Perch (silver/white/yellow), Pompano, Red snapper, Rosefish, Sailfish, Scallop, Scrod, Scup, Shark, Smelt, Squid, Sucker, Sunfish, Swordfish, Tilapia, Tilefish, Tuna, Weakfish, Whitefish, Whiting


Anchovy, Bass (bluegill/sea/striped), Barracuda, Beluga, Butterfish, Clam, Conch, Crab, Crayfish, Eel, Frog, Herring (pickled), Lobster, Lox (smoked salmon), Mussel, Octopus, Oyster, Pollack, Salmon roe, Shrimp, Snail (escargot/ Helix pomatia), Sole (gray or Dover) Trout (all), Yellowtail

Dairy and Eggs

Highly Beneficial

Cottage Cheese, Farmers Cheese, Feta, Goat Cheese, Kefir, Milk (cow/goat), Mozzarella, Paneer, Ricotta, Yogurt (all varieties)


Brie, Butter, Buttermilk, Camembert, Casein, Cheddar, Colby, Cream cheese, Edam, Egg (chicken), Emmenthal, Ghee (clarified butter), Gouda, Gruyere, Jarlsberg, Monterey jack, Muenster, Neufchatel, Parmesan, Provolone, Quark, Sherbet, Sour cream (low/nonfat) Swiss, Whey


American cheese, Blue cheese, Egg (duck/goose/quail), Ice cream, String cheese

Oils and Fats

Highly Beneficial- extra virgin olive oil is by far the best oil



Almond, Black currant seed, Cod liver, Evening primrose, Flaxseed, Walnut, Wheat germ


Avacado, Borage seed, Canola, Castor, Coconut, Corn, Cottonseed, Peanut, Safflower, Sesame, Soy, Sunflower

Nutes and Seeds

Highly Beneficial

Walnut, Black


Almond, Almond butter/cheese/milk, Brazil, Butternut, Chestnut, Flaxseed, Hickory, Litchi, Macadamia, Pecan, Pecan butter, Walnut (english)


Cashew, Cashew butter, Filbert (hazelnut), Pignola (pine), Pistachio, Peanut, Peanut butter, Poppy seed, Pumpkin seed, Sesame butter (tahini), Sesame seed, Sunflower butter, Sunflower seed

Beans and Legumes

Highly Beneficial

Kidney Bean, Lima Bean, Navy Bean


Cannelini bean, Copper bean, Fava (broad) bean, Green/snap/string bean, Jicama, Northern bean, Pea (green/pod/snow), Tamarind bean, White bean


Adzuki bean, Black bean, Black-eyed pea, Garbanzo bean (chickpea), Lentile (domestic/green/red), Mung bean/sprouts, Pinto bean, Soybean, soy cheese, Soy flakes/granules, Soy milk, Soy miso, Soy tempeh, Soy tofu


Highly Beneficial

Millet, Oat Bran, Oatmeal, Rice, Puffed, Rice Bran, Spelt


Barley, Cream of rice, Quinoa


Amaranth, Buckwheat/kasha, cornflakes, cornmeal, cream of wheat, Grits, Kamut, Rye, Seven-grain, Teff, Tapioca, Wheat bran, Wheat germ

Breads and Muffins

Highly Beneficial

Brown Rice Bread, Ezekiel Bread, Rice cake, Wasa Crisp Breat (wheat-free)


Gluten-free bread, High-protein bread (wheat-free), Oat bran muffins, Spelt bread, Soy flour bread, Wheat bread (refined, unbleached), Wheat (white flour products)


Amaranth, Corn muffin, Durum wheat, Kamut, Multi-grain bread, Punpernickel, Rye bread (100%), Rye crisp, Ryvita, Wheat bran muffin, Whole wheat bread

Grains and Pasta - will need only minimal amount of the nutrients in pasta and rice if consuming the met, seafood, and dairy products advised.


Highly Beneficial

Millet Flour, Oat Flour, Rice Flour, Spelt Flour


Barley Flour, Quinoa, Rice (basmati/brown/white), Semolina pasta, White flour


Buckwheat/kasha, Bulgur wheat flour, Couscous (cracked wheat), Durum wheat flour, Gluten flour, Graham flour, Rye flour, Soba noodles (100% buckwheat), Whole wheat flour, Rice, wild 


Highly Beneficial

beet, beet greens, broccoli, brussels sprout, cabbage (chinese/red/white), carrot, cauliflower, collard greens, eggplant, ginger, kale, mushroom, shiitake, mustard greens, parsley, parsnip, pepper (all), potato (sweet), yam (all)


alfalfa sprouts, arugula, asparagus, asparagus pea, bamboo shooter, bok choy, capers, celeraic, celery, chevil, chickory, cilantro, cucumber, daikon radish, dandelion, dill, endive escarole, fennel, fiddlehead fern, garlic, horseradish, kelp, kohlrabi, leek, lettuce (bibb/boston/iceberg/mesclun/romaine), Mushroom (abalone/common/domestic/enoki/maitake/oyster/portobello/silverdollar), straw/tree


artichoke (domestic/globe/jerusalem), corn (all), olive (all), pumpkin, radish/sprout, rhubarb, tomato


Highly Beneficial

Banana, cranberry, grape (all), papaya, pineapple, plum (all) watermelon


Apple, apricot, asian pear, blackberry, blueberry, boysenberry, breadfruit, cantaloup, cherry (all), currant (black/red), date, dewberry, elderberry, fig (fresh/dried), gooseberry, grapefruit, guava, kiwi, kumquat, lemon, lime, loganberry, mango, melon (canang/casaba/christmas/crenshaw/honeydew/musk/persian/spanish), Mulberry, nectarine, orange, peach, pear, plantain, prune, quince, raisin, raspberry, sago palm, strawberry, tangerine, youngberry


avacado, coconut, melon, bitter, persimmon, pomegranate, prickly pear, starfruit (caramboloa)

Juices and Fluids

Highly Beneficial

Beet Greens, cabbage, cranberry, papaya, pineapple


aloe, apple, apple cider, apricot, carrot, celery, cherry (all), coconut milk, cucumber, grapefruit, leomon, lime, nectarine, orange, pomegranate, prune, tangerine, tomato, begatable juice (from acceptable vegetables)


Coconut, pomegranate, tomato

Spices, Sugars, Seasonings

Highly Beneficial

curry, ginger, horseradish, parsley, pepper, cayenne


agar, anise, apple pectin, arrowroot, basil, bay leaf, bergamot, brown rice syrup, capers, caraway, cardamom, carob, chervil, chili powder, chives, chocolate, clove, coriander, cream of tarter, cumin, dill, dulse, fructose, garlic, honey, kelp, lecithin, mace, maple syrup, marjoram, molasses, blackstrap, mustard (dry), nutmeg, oregano, paprika, pepper (peppercorn/red/pepper flakes), peppermint, rice syrup, rosemary, saffron, sage, salt, savory, spearmint, sugar (brown/white), tamari (wheat-free), tarragon, thyme, turmeric, vanilla, vinegar (all) wintergreen, yeast (baker's/brewer's)


acacia (gum arabie), allspice, aspartame, almond extract, barley malt, carageenan, cinnamon, cornstarch, corn syrup, dextrose, guar gum, invert sugar, maltodextrin, gelatin, plain, MSG, pepper (black/white), tapioca


Highly Beneficial



apple butter, jam/jelly (from acceptable fruits), mayonnaise, mustard (except dry), pickle relish, pickles, salad dressing (low-fat, from acceptable ingredients), Worcestershire sauce


Ketchup, Soy sauce, Stevia, sucanat

Herbal Teas

Highly Beneficial

cayenne, ginger, ginseng, green, licorice root (need doctor permission), nilk thistle, parsley, peppermint, raspberry leaf, rose hip


alfalfa, astralagus, burdock, catnip, chamomile, chickweed, dandelion, dong quai, echinacea, elder, fenugreek, hawthorn, horehound, mulberry, sage, senna, saint-john's-wort, sarsaparilla, slippery elm, spearmint, strawberry leaf, thyme, valerian, vervain, white birch, white oak bark, yarrow, yellow dock


aloe, coltsfoot, corn silk, gentian, goldenseal, guarana, hops, juniper, linden, mullein, red clover, rhubarb, shepherd's purse, skullcap, stinging nettle root

Miscellaneous Beverages

Highly Beneficial

Tea, green


Beer, coffee (regular/decaf), tea/ black (regular/decaf), wine (red/white)


liquor, distilled, seltzer water, soda (club/cola/diet/misc.)



 idiosyncratic, utterly unique * sometimes chameleonlike, sturdy and alert characteristics.

resist many of the most severe diseases common to modern life, such as heart disease and cancer. When they do get these diseases Bs are more likely to survive them.

Prone to more exotic immune-system disorders, like multiple sclerosis, lupus and chronic fatigue syndrome.


As listed in eat right 4 your baby by Peter JDAdamo

Avoid when pregnant:
bass, bluefish, carp, catfish, flounder, grouper, halibut, mahimahi, salmon, shark, swordfish, tilapia, tuna, whitefish- all are because of either contamination risk or high mercury, but salmon is a lower risk.

Dont avoid
Egg/chicken goes from neutral to beneficial because of the DHA

cayenne pepper goes from beneficial to neutral because it may cause digestive issues. Chocolate is on the avoid list, cafeine. ginger is avoid, may cause miscarriage in large amounts. Who knew, I use this to treat nausia, I believe chamomile is a better option. Parsley goes from beneficial to teutral, can cause uterine stimulation. Turmeric also stimulates tuerine.

Herbal teas
catnip stimulated uterus. chamomile goes from neutral to beneficial as it calms and is a sleep aid, dandelion goes from neutral to beneficial and aids digestion. Dong quai can start utering bleeding, ginger again m/c risk. goldenseal from neutral to avoid, as it can be harmful to fetus. Licorice avoid as it influences estrogen levels, sage- limit intake can be uterus stimulant, st johns wort, harmful to fetus. Vervain and Yarrow are uterine stimulants.

Avoid the following: beer, coffee, regular, black tea, green tea, red wine and white wine



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