
I just created this receipe and its not bad at all.........06.13.10

Cocoa Bread

1/4 cup evoo (extra virgin olive oil)
1/2 c brown sugar (I used 1T stevia instead of brown sugar)
3/4 t baking soda
1/2t ground cinnamon
1/4 t ground nutmeg
1t vanilla extract
1 1/2c unsweetened applesauce
1/4c (3oz) honey
2 eggwhites
2 c buckwheat ferinetta
1/2 c (2oz) chopped walnuts (I omitted this).
2T cocoa
2 scoops chocolate whey protein, or 42g protein

preheat oven to 350F. Spray canola or olive oil spray on bottom of loaf pan.

Beat together the evoo, stevia, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla in a medium bowl until smooth. Add the apple sauce, honey and eggs, beating until smooth. Add the ferinetta, whey protein powder and coco, stirring until smooth. Spoon the batter into the prepared pan and let it rest at room temperature, uncovered, for 10 min. Nuts are optional.

Bake bread for 50 min. Lay a piece of foil gently across the top, and bake until a cake tester inserted into the center comes out clean, 10-15 min more. Remove the bread from the oven, and allow it to cool for 10 min before turning it out of the pan onto a rack to cool completely. 

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