AB+ or AB-

Eat Right for Your Yype by Dr Peters J.D'Adamo

Meats and Poultry


Highly Beneficial



goat, lamb, liver (calf), mutton, ostrich, pheasant, rabbit


bacon/ham/pork, beef, buffalo, chicken, cornish hen, duck, goose, grouse, guinea hen, heart horse, partridge, quail, squab, squirrel, sweetbreads, turtle, veal, venison



Highly Beneficial

cod, grouper, mackerel, mahimahi, monkfish, pickerel, pike, porgy, red snapper, sailfish, salmon (fresh), sardine, shad, snail (escargot/helix pomatia), sturgeon, tuna 


bluefish, bullhead, butterfish, carp, catfish, caviar, chub, croaker, cusk, drum, halfmoon fish, harvest fish, herring (fresh), mullet, muskellunge, mussel, perch (all), pollack, pompano, rosefish, scallop, scrod, scup, shark, smelt, squid (calamari), sucker, sunfish, swordfish, talapia, tilefish, weakfish, whitefish


barracuda, bass (all), buluga, clam, conch, crab, crayfish, eel, flounder, frog, haddock, hake, halibut, herring (pickled/smoked), lobster, lox (smoked salmon), octopus, oyster, salmon roe, shrimp, sole (all), trout (all), whiting, yellowfish

Dairy and Eggs

Highly Beneficial

cottage cheese, farmers cheese, feta, goat cheese, milk (goat), keifir, mozzarella, ricotta, sour cream (low/nonfat), yogurt (all varieties)


casein, cheddar, colby, cream cheese, edam, egg (chicken), emmenthal, ghee (clarified butter), egg (grouse/quail), gouda, gruyere, jarlsberg, milk (cow, skim or 2%), monterey jack, muester, neufchatel, pancer, quark, string cheese, swiss, whey


american, blue cheese, brie, butter, buttermilk, camembert, egg (duck), half & half, ice cream, milk (cow, whole) parmesan, provolone, sherbet

Oils and Fats

Highly Beneficial- extra virgin olive oil is by far the best oil

olive, walnut


almond, black currant seed, borage seed, canola, castor, cod liver, evening primrose, flaxseed, peanut, soy, wheat germ 


coconut, cottonseed, safflower, sesame, sunflower 

Nutes and Seeds

Highly Beneficial

chestnut, peanut, peanut butter, walnut (black/english) 


almond, almond butter/cheese/milk, beechnut, brazil, butternut, cashew, butter, flaxseed, hickory, litchi, macadamia, pecan, pecan butter, pignola (pine), safflower seed


filbert (hazelnut), poppy seed, pumpkin seed, sesame butter (tahine), sesame seed, sunflower butter, sunflower seed

Beans and Legumes

Highly Beneficial

lentil (green), navy bean, pinto bean, soybean, soy miso, soy tempeh, soy tofu 


cannelline bean, copper bean, green/snap/string bean, jicama, lentile (domestic/red), northern bean, pea (green/pod/snow), soy cheese, soy flakes/granules, soy milk, tamarind bean, white bean 


adzuki bean, black bean, black-eyed pea, fava (broad) bean, garbanzo bean (chickpea), kidney bean, lima bean, mung bean/sprouts


Highly Beneficial

amaranth, millet, oat bran, oatmeal, rice bran, rice puffed, ryeberry, spelt 


barley, cream of rice, quinoa, shredded wheat, soy flakes, spelt, wheat bran, wheat germ


buckwheat/kasha, cornflakes, cornmeal, grits, kamut, tapioca, teff

Breads and Muffins

Highly Beneficial

brown rice bread, essene (manna), bread, ezekiel bread, millet, rice cake, rye bread (100%), tye crisp, ryvita, soy flour bread, wasa crispbread (rye)


gluten-free bread, matzo, oat bran muffin, pumpernickel, spelt bread, sprouted wheat bread (commercial, not Ezekiel), wheat bran muffin, whole wheat bread, wheat (white flour products) 


corn muffins

Grains and Pasta

Highly Beneficial

oat flour, rice (basmati/brown/white/wild), rice flour, rye flour, spelt flour


couscous (cracked wheat), bulgur wheat flour, durum wheat flour, gluten flour, graham flour, quinoa, semolina pasta, sprouted wheat flour, white flour, whole wheat flour


buckwheat kasha, soba noodles 


Highly Beneficial

alfalfa sprouts, beet greens, beet, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, collard greens, cucumber, dandelion, eggplant, garlic, kale, mushroom, maitake, mustard greens, parsley, parsnip, potato, sweet, parsnip, yam


arugula, asparagus, asparagus pea, bamboo shoot, cabbage (chinease/red/white), caraway, carrot, chervil, chicory, cilantro, coriander, daikon radish, endive, escarole, fennel, fiddlehead fern, ginger, horseredish, kelp, kohlrabi, leek, lettuce (Bibb/Boston/iceberg/mesclun/romaine), Mushroom (common/domestic/enoki/oyster/portobello/silver dollar/ straw), okra, olive (greek/green/spanish), onion (all) oyster plant (salsify), potato (blue/red/white/yellow), pimiento, pumpkin, radicchio, rappini (broccoli rabe) Rutabaga, sauerdraut, scallion, seaweed, shallot, spinach, squash (all), swiss chard, taro, tomato, turnip, water chestnut, watercress, yucca, zucchini


aloe, artichoke (domestic/globe/jerusalem), caper, corn (all), mushroom (shiitake), olive, black, pepper (all), pickles (with brine/vinegar), radish sprouts, rhubarb


Highly Beneficial

cherry (all), cranberry, fig (fresh/dried), gooseberry, grape (all), grapefruit, kiwi, lemon, loganberry, pineapple, plum (all), watermelon


apple, apricot, asian pear, blackberry, blueberry, boysenberry, breadfruit, cantaloupe, currant (black/red), date, elderberry, kumquat, lime, melon (canang/casaba/christmas/crenshaw/honeydew/musk/persian/spanich), mulberry, nectarine, papaya, peach, pear, plantain, prune, raisin, raspberry, strawberry, tangerine, youngberry


avocado, bananna, coconut, dewberry, guava, mango, bitter melon, orange, persimmon, pomegranate, prickly pear, quince, sago palm, starfruit (caramboloa)

Juices and Fluids

Highly Beneficial

cabbage, carrot, celery, cherry, cranberry, lemon


apple, apple cider, apricot, cucumber, grape, grapefruit, lime, nectarine, papaya, pear, pineapple, prune, tangerine, tomato, vegetable juice (from acceptable vegetables)


guava, mango, orange

Spices, Sugars, Seasonings

Highly Beneficial

curry, garlic, ginger, horseradish, molasses, blackstrap, oregano, parsley 


agar, apple pectin, arrowroot, basil, bay leaf, bergamot, brown rice syrup, caraway, cardamom, carob, chervil, chili powder, chive, chocolate, cinnamon, clove, coriander, cream of tartar, cumin, dill, dulse, honey, kelp, lecithin, mace, maple syrup, marjoram, molasses, mustard (dry), nutmeg, oregano, paprika, peppermint, rice syrup, rosemary, saffron, sage, salt, savory, spearmint, sugar (brown/white), tamari (wheat-free), tamarind, tarragon, thyme, turmeric, vanilla, wintergreen, baker's yeast


acacia (gum arabic), allspice, aloe, almond extract, aspartame, barley malt, carrageenan, cornstarch, corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, plain gelatin, guar gum, invert sugar, maltrodextrin, MSG, pepper (all), sucanat, tapioca, vinegar (all), yeast, brewer's


Highly Beneficial



Apple butter, jam/jelly (from acceptable fruits), mayonnaise, mustard, salad dressing (from acceptable ingredients)


Ketchup, pickles, pickle relish, soy sauce, worcestershire sauce

Herbal Teas

Highly Beneficial

alfalfa, astralagus, burdock, chamomile, echinacea, fenugreek, gentian, ginger, ginseng, hawthorn, licorice root, milk thistle, parsley, rose hip, strawberry leaf


catnip, chickweed, dandelion, dongquai, elder, goldenseal, guarana, horehound, mulberry, peppermint, raspberry leaf, sage, saint-john's-wort, sarsaparilla, slippery elm, spearmint, thyme, valerian, vervain, white birch, white oak bark, yarrow, yellow dock 


aloe, cayenne, coltsfood, corn silk, gentian, hops, linden, mullein, red clover, rhubarb, senna, shepherd's purse, skullcap

Miscellaneous Beverages

Highly Beneficial

green tea


beer, seltzer water, club soda, wine (red/white)


coffee (regular/decaf), distilled liquor, soda (cola/diet/misc.), black tea (regular/decaf)




ABs & Pregnancy

Low level of the enzyme “intestinal alkaline phosphate” causes ABs difficulty metabolizing a combo of fat & protein. They also do not have enough stomach acid to digest too much animal protein. Minimize meat for protein, and eat only 3-4oz at a time.


Avoid Chicken and choose Turkey over Beef or Pork.


“Type AB’s rather unique immune defenses can hyper function, leading to allergies, inflammation, chronic fatigue, and a number of other autoimmune disorders that can sap your vitality and interfere with the ability to conceive. These disorders can also create problems during pregnancy.”


Eggs & Dairy are beneficial and easily digested for pregnant ABs. If you have respiratory problems, sinus attacks, or ear infections cut back on dairy foods.


Cottage cheese, chicken egg, mozzarella, low-fat sour cream and yogurt are highly beneficial.


Oils and Fats

Limit flaxseed oil during pregnancy. The most benefited for the ABs are Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Walnut oil, but Almond, Canola, Cod liver, Peanut and soy oil are ok.


Nuts and seeds- eat in small amounts and with caution. They are a great supplementary protein source but many seeds contain lectins that induce immune reactions, making them a problem for ABs. Peanuts are a good immunity booster. Peanuts, Peanut butter and Walnuts are the best choice, but Almonds, Almond butter, Cashew, flaxseed, Macadamia, Pecan, and Pistachio are all ok.


Grains, Pastas, and Cereals – ABs do good on grains, but need to limit wheat especially if mucus caused by asthma or frequent infections. Oatmeal, rice and soy granules are good sources but avoid Buckwheat and corn. Rye, Rice, Oat, and Soy based breads are a benefit.


Vegetables- Minimize Fennel and parsley because they stimulate the uterus. Garlic and Onion may cause colic for breastfeeding babies. Of the most benefit are; broccoli, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, eggplant, garlic, kale, sweet potato and yams. Also ok are cabbage, carrot, lettuce, okra, green olive, onion, pea, potato, pumpkin, sauerkraut, string bean, tomato, zucchini.


Fruit- emphasize the more alkaline fruits like grapes, plums and berries. No Oranges (stomach irritant), they interfere with mineral absorption. Lemons aid digestion and clear mucus from the system. Drink a 6oz glass of room temperature water with ¼ to ½ lemon juiced every morning upon waking up. Banana lectin interferes with digestion. Its better to substitue other high-potassium fruits like apricots, figs, and some melons. The most benefit comes from Cherry, Cranberry, Fig (fresh/dry), grape, grapefruit, kiwi, lemon, pineapple, plum and watermelon. Also ok are Apple, Apricot, Asian pear, blackberry, blueberry, cantaloupe, honeydew, kumquat, lime, nectarine, peach, pear, pineapple juice, raisin, raspberry, strawberry, and tangerine.


Many spices are helpfull in pregnancy, but others stimulate the uterus and can cause harm,

especially in high risk pregnancies or have a history of miscarriage. Ginger works well for

digestive ailments, but can cause a miscarriage in excessive amounts. Also avoid cinnamon,

nutmeg, oregano, parsley, rosemary, sage and thyme. Chocolate should also be avoided, and

sugar should be limited. Strong spices should be eliminated to elimininate heartburn, nausea

or morning sickness. Garlic is a benefit. Also ok is
apple pectin, basil, bay leaf, carob, chili powder, chive, clove, Maple syrup, Molassres,

peppermind, rice syrup, rosemary, sage, sea salt, soy sauce, spearmint, stevia, sugar,


Condiments- avoid anything pickled (causes stomach cancer in ABs). Ketchup has binegar and

worcestershire corn syrup and both should be avoided. Ok are Jam & Jelly from acceptable

fruits. Mayonnaise, Mustard and salad dressing.

Herbal Teas- deliver strong doses of herbs, so are notadvised for pregnancy. Late in

pregnancy Raspberry Leaf tea nourishes the uterus with vitamins. Rose hip tea has a lot of

vitamin C. Slippery elm tea helps intestinal problems. Of great benefit are alfalfa,

burdock, chamomile, echinaccea, hawthorn, rose hip and strawberry leaf. Also ok are

pepermint, sarsaparilla, and spearmint.

Elminate caffeine and alcohol 3-6 months prior to pregnancy. Highly beneficial is green tea

and seltzer water is ok. Do not consume green tea in pregnancy.

Pre-pregnancy-Type AB foods excert a powerfull medicinal influence on your system creating

the optimal atmosphere for conception.

Control your weight
Promote weight loss- soy foods, fish & sea food, cultured dairy, green vegetables, kelp

(seaweed), pineapple.
Promote weight gain- red meat, chicken, kidney beans, lima beans, corn, wheat & buckwheat

"toxins are the by-products of bacteria activity on unabsorbed foods that grow in your

intestinal tract. Most often these toxins are the result of eating foods that are poorly

digested by your blood type--including foods that are overlty processed and chemically


Signs of toxicity in type AB- diminished sex drive, circulation problmes, sensitivity to

light, bad breath, feelings of fullness in lower intestine, cycstic breasts, cold sores.

Type AB Detoxification protocol (do not use in pregnancy)- burdock root (Arctium sp.).
As a tea 1 to 3 cups daily.
A mixture of fresh red grapes and blueberries. Juice and drink 8 ounces every morning.
Flaxseeds (linum usitatissimum). Add 1 tablespoon to 8 ounces of water; allow to soak

overnight; drink in morning.
probiotic suppliment (friendly bacteria). Take twice daily (preferably blood type specific).
larch arabinogalactan (soluable fiber supplement). Take 1 tablespoon mixed with water or

juice, twice daily.
Dry skin brushing- perform once a day


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