Isabella Grace

A mother sees past bruises and sees only beautiy. She sees past the pain and sees her child.

Isabella Grace was born into Heaven on January 7th, 2010. She is missed on earth, and welcomed by her big brother Baby Nick born into Heaven January 30th, 2008. Her daddy believes the reason she died is because Nick needed someone in Heaven to play with.

At the funeral, the minister said that children born into heaven can pick whatever age they want to be until everyone comes home to heaven, then they have to become the age they really are. He learned this from someone who died and talked to the spirit of a child who had died. When he was revived he remembered everything.

Bella was born at 21weeks and 4 days. At that time a baby has very thin skin, you can see many of her blood vessels. The skin is very easily bruised, as you will see from a few of her photos. Some of the photos show bad coloring, as the lighting was very difficult and much of the time didnt show her true coloring.

At 22 weeks a baby does not have opened eyes. They seal shut in the 2nd trimester and reopen later.

 Bella's hands and feet, so tiny!

Bella's Poem
We have seen this exact fate before
losing a child is never an ease
being silent is too much a chore
in time the pain will fade and not please

We cannot hide our tears
please remember our baby Bella with love
as you have loved Nick for 2 long years
My boy and girl are forever together above

The love for my child I cannot hide
Silence would make her memory disappear
Mention her often even though she has died
She brought life to us in just being here

Thinking of her brings happiness and I sigh
And we will one day see Nick and Bella again
So never say bye
They're in a better place happily together, amen

                                                         . -Mommy 

My face was so yellow from the infection. Boy do I wish I had coverup!

At least Holly got some sleep at the hospital. She also noticed that mama's pee was green. The nurse already knew, but couldnt figure out why I wasnt being sucked up by the mother ship, since I was peeing alien green. Once Holly mentioned it I told her that they gave me lavender dye during the amnio. This was to guide the doctor if she was to do a rescue cerclage, but since I had Chorio this became not an option.

You should see Bella's ambilicle cord, it was a pretty blueish color, and on her legs you can see where the dye made it into her veins.

I know exactly what my children will look like when they get older, but I do not know the color of their eyes or hair. I know that Nick will be Johns twin and Bella will look mostly like big sister Holly.

Here is Holly's newborn photo

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