Pregnancies and Facts

Nicholas Wayne 01-30-08 20w5d

In September 2007 I got pregnant. I was shocked when we saw a heartbeat and the baby was NOT in my tube again.  I had an ectopic in my right tube in April 2007. Part of my tube was removed. I went to the doctor until we had a strong heartbeat and I was released to an OBGYN.  

My stats:

10-15-07- u/s -everything ok, sac barely visible
10-23-07- hb 113 measured 6.0 wks and .429 cm
10-31-07 hb 156 measured 7.4 wks@7.5 wks
11-21-07 hb 171
01-29-08 hb 155

On December 12th 2007, I found myself bleeding and losing huge clots. I called L&D and they told me to come in and bring the clots with. When I got there the lady at the front tried to send me to the ER because I wasnt 20 weeks yet. I explained and she called the back. They took me into L&D, and quickly got a doppler out and low and behold the baby was fine. The hospital didnt show me the ultrasound, but John was able to watch, they have some rule that the mama cant be allowed to look. John explained what he saw, then we waited for the doctor and everything was ok. The doctor told me the usual bedrest and follow up with my doctor routine.


I found it difficult to get in to see the doctor, but they squeezed me in the following Tuesday. The doctor put me in ultrasound and said no abruption, and once the bleeding stopped I could return to life as usual. He also said no more bedrest. I was relieved and scared all at once. I was very happy that I could return to sitting normal in my chair at work. I had been reclining it so not to put pressure on the uterus and cervics.


The week of Christmas, I was 16weeks and we had a private ultrasound to find out what the baby looked like and if it was a boy or a girl.


In the early morning January 29th, 2008, I woke up with a feeling that I was leaking. I wasnt in labor and I wasnt having any pain, but had a bad feeling. I had been feeling off for a week, not wanting to eat anything, but feeling hungry and nothing appealed to me. When I woke that morning it felt like balls of sweat and I could have sworn it was amnio fluid. I wanted so much to be wrong. I got up, didnt even wake up my daughter, and I told John I was going to L&D. He didnt think I should go, told me it was nothing. I told him kindly that I knew my body and I hoped he was right and I was wrong and off I went.


At L&D they did a PH test, which I passed with flying colors and then they sent a sample off to the lab for a ferning test. I waited till the test came back, and it showed that there was a fern that grew under the microscope. The doctor explained that this was a failed test and that it could be amnio fluid. They needed to admit me for observation. Off I went to the maternal ICU. My doctor came for a visit and we talked about many things. He was to keep me overnight. He gave me some pills to turn my pee orange and he explained that the antibiotics and IV can cause labor so he didnt want me on them. I have since then been told this to be far from the truth.


In the morning of January 30th I woke from a gush. The nurses checked the fluid and it failed the PH test. The doctor came in and said my water was ruptured and that it was likely an infection, but they didnt know. I wasnt sick, no fever, but I started to labor and was left there all day in that condition. They didnt try to stop labor, and later that afternoon at about 12:30pm John came to the delivery sweet. My labor had gotten very strong and thats when he left work. No more than a minute after he arrived, my water broke. The doctor was still no where to be found, and I had been asking for him for hours. When asked later he said he was there and over across the way at the office.


Into the world came my son weighing 12oz 10 in at 20w5d gestation. Too small to survive. There was a baby born a week later who did survive, but the doctor told me Nick had zero chance and they did nothing to revive him. He was born at 1:30pm and died at 2:43pm. He didnt move, he didnt open his eyes, he might have heard ouf voices talking to him as he passed. He was very dark skinned as he was dying. I wondered why he looked that way, but still loved him for that 43 minutes. I held him first, then John, and we passed him back and fourth. He was so small he fit in one hand.


I think I was in shock more than anything. Before I delivered I was so scared that he would suffer and struggle, but to my shock he just lay there with only a heartbeat.


After the delivery the doctor administered Petocin to get the placenta to come out. With small babies 

Isabella Grace 01-07-2010 21w4d

My vitamins as of Sept 03, 2009
OH I did a little of everything, and it seems like I was always adding something new. I've been on dci since March, and I bake banana bread mostly. I've been only getting 600mg lately, but my body needs 1200. This 2ww I upped that to 1200. See I just moved and its been hard to bake.

I also think excersize in cd1-O is important for pcosers. Also lifting is important to pcos, the areas that show improvement, using chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, lower back, butt and theighs. I did all since I was moving the day AF arrived. I moved so much that day I had a charley horse in my sleep. Moving took almost a week.

This cycle I added coQ-10 100mg, b/c of my age I wanted better egg quality.
Coenzyme Q-10 (COQ-10) - Helps support and improve mitochondrial (powerhouse of cells) function. During aging, the mitochondrial DNA is damaged by free radicals in our system contributing to poor egg quality occurring with aging.

I also brewed a tea with the following herbs (this I drank every day at first, but every few days the 2nd week):

Alfalfa - Aids in pituitary problems. This works well with fertility drugs.
Red Clover - Used to aid fertility. Take from menstruation to ovulation
Red Raspberry leaves - Strengthens the uterus and entire reproductive system. Can help prevent miscarriage.

cd 7-O Evening Primrose Oil (EPO) 2000mg - is a uterine toner and helps to increase the fertile quality cervical fluid. Regulates menstrual flow (scanty, dark flow) and aids in the lining of the uterus. It neutralizes over-acidity in the body. EPO should be taken the first half of the cycle - from mensturation to ovulation.  

Baby's Corner
Chinease Gender chart says Girl
MIL says Girl
hb indicates Girl, per wives tale
cravings indicate Girl, per wives tale

090309 cbe digi 10dpo

090909 frer

091009 beta 17dpo am 213, p4-18

September 3, 2009 (10dpo)

double left click to see the pictures:
Before time limit:

after drying:

2 hours later:

September 4, 2009 (11 dpo) note: 24 hours after digi said "pregnant"


afternoon pee, camera is finally picking up the line.



Sept 05, 2009 12dpo
last night had round ligamund pains all night, woke me several times. Its just a general soarness around my uterus and lower tummy, a kind of uncofortablness. I've been exhausted all the time, too, since Sat Aug 29, or 5dpo. Last night my one tonsil became soar and my nose seems runnier today. Im so happy for every symptom, I cant believe Im Pregnant!

Sept 06 13dpo, test progression

September 9, 2009

left click to enlarge

Sept 13, 2009 20 dpo

Sept 15, 2009 22dpo

092409 transabdominal u/s shows sac at 6wk 3 days

heartbeat 183, much much higher than with ds who was usually in the 140 range.

8wks 3 days, measured 8wks 6 days, then 8wks 0 days at a different angle.

heartbeat 183

10wks h/b between 175-185
11wks 2 d h/b 171
12wks 3 d h/b 175-180 (dips from 159 to 185 also)
13wk 159 on u/s
16wks (15wk 4d) 160 on u/s

112709 16wks (15wk 4d)
She is in the transverse position, so her head is on my left and feet are on my right side.

laying on her hands


face - she was sucking in amnio fluid in this pic

arm - look how straight her spine is


girl parts-ignore the ambilical cord by the leg

3d taken on my camera, off the tv screen:

120409 17wks (16wk 4d)

90% girl



arm & hand

a 13wk girl fetus (15wk pregnant) still has the nub, but by 19wks (17wk fetus) it is gone.

less than 30% angle, 11wk fetus, 13wk gestation



August 10, 2009
cd1-O 4mg avandia
cd 3-7 150mg clomid
cd 14 Aug 23rd 2009


082309-1.jpg picture by tami3232


082309edited-1.jpg picture by tami3232

September 3, 2009 (10dpo)

Before time limit:

after drying:

2 hours later:

September 4, 2009 (11 dpo) note: 24 hours after digi said "pregnant"


afternoon pee, camera is finally picking up the line.



Sept 05, 2009 12dpo
last night had round ligamund pains all night, woke me several times. Its just a general soarness around my uterus and lower tummy, a kind of uncofortablness. I've been exhausted all the time, too, since Sat Aug 29, or 5dpo. Last night my one tonsil became soar and my nose seems runnier today. Im so happy for every symptom, I cant believe Im Pregnant!

Sept 06 13dpo, test progression

September 9, 2009

left click to enlarge

Sept 13, 2009 20 dpo

Sept 15, 2009 22dpo


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