
 Table of Contents:

Nicholas - please read only if  you are prepared to have a cry while learning about a baby at 20w5d gestation. Nicholas was born alive, and there are very graphic pictures. He later passed away.

Isabella- please read only if you are prepared to have a cry while viewing photos of a baby born still at 21w 4d gestation. She died on the way out. There are a ton of pictures on her page, as I got a new Nikon before Christmas.

My TTC Journey - details of my struggles with infertility, testing, and other stuff.

My Pregnancy- notes and tests from my pregnancies

Suppliments- healthy stuff

DCI- notes on D-Chiro-Inositol through buckwheat ferinetta (like flour) and suppliments from Chiral Balance

DCI Receipes

Sad- This page is password protected. The content is very hard to look at.

Blog- pasword protected and under construction

Nutrition- here I will make notes about food. Ask me questions if you like. Under constuction. Here I will add my daily morning weight as an example of what happens when you eat insulin happy foods. I will note if I've been bad.




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